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Things to Do When Bored (that aren’t eating)

April 2, 2020

Things to Do When Bored (that aren’t eating)

Things to Do When Bored (that aren’t eating)

It’s SO easy to find yourself in the pantry when you’re bored or nibbling on snacks here and there. But these calories can add up quickly and derail you from your weight loss goals!

Here are some of the best ways to stay entertained without reaching for food:

Things To Do When Bored (That Aren’t Eating)


  • Go on Pinterest 

Nothing beats killing time like scrolling the internet for aesthetically pleasing and inspirational ideas on Pinterest… whether that’s finding and saving a bunch of party planning ideas, putting together a lookbook for a themed event, or finding inspo to makeover a space in your home.

  • Listen to a podcast

Podcasting in recent years has become a booming industry with topics spanning across pretty much any and everything you can think of albeit sports, relationships, business, foreign languages, comedy, fiction, the list goes on. Open up Spotify, Apple, Google Podcast or some other site to explore and plug into a new podcast that can help you escape your typical day to day and immerse yourself into a new world.

  • Read a book 

Sit by the window and read a book. I’m sure there’s at least one book (if not way more) in your home that you picked up, just haven’t started or finished. What better time than now to read a book than when you’re bored?

  • Read a magazine

Magazines offer a quick way to stay up with the times on the latest trends in tech, fashion, beauty, travel, ESG, or whatever other niche magazine you enjoy.

  • Listen to an audiobook

No time to read? Listen to the audio version of it while you cook, clean, or are on the go.

  • Take a walk

Fresh air does the body good. Unplug from the noise of electronics, stop to smell the roses, and breathe in some fresh air while listening to the birds, wind rustling the leaves, or other sounds in nature taking place during your escape.

  • Walk around your apartment or house

If you’re short on time or don’t have a greenway nearby, take a brisk walk around your apartment or neighborhood to catch some vitamin D from the sun and walk out the boredom in your life. 

  • Call a friend

Whether it’s someone you talk to often or few and far in between, taking the time to catch up with a friend is a great way to nix boredom at the bud by having a friendly chat with your bud haha.

  • Call a parent or sibling

Fill your boredom when you feel the love through a phone call with your parents or siblings.

  • Do a facemask

Take some time out for yourself with a bit of pampering.

  • Give yourself a manicure or pedicure

Groom your nails, refresh the polish, and give your shape a bit of a refresh when you’re in between nail appointments.

  • Meditate

Got 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 or more? Lay down or sit comfortably in a quiet space as you take some deep breaths and release any tension you may have felt throughout the day.

  • Take a long shower

This has got to be one of my all time favorite ways to quickly feel refreshed when at home.

  • Take a bubble bath

Light a few candles, play some coffee shop music and you’ve got yourself a beautiful and unforgettable wind down experience.

  • Put your PJs in the dryer and get cozy

Who doesn’t love feeling warm and snuggly?


  • Get really good at doing your nails in a fancy/ fun way

Add a little razzle dazzle to your nail routine whether that’s trying a new shape, new length, or adding a few bedazzles to take your nails up a notch. You’d be surprised the types of skills you’d come out knowing after watching a few tutorials on Youtube.

  • Try out a new hairstyle

New hair? Who’s this? Yes, if you’re that bored, you can always try a new hair cut, a new color, or some other type of hairstyle. You never know, you might stumble upon a look that just absolutely knocks you off your socks because it looks THAT good on you!

  • Go through all your bathroom products & try ones you’ve never used – toss or donate old ones

Come on. I know you’ve got some things in there that are just getting old collecting dust.

  • Reorganize a room in your house

Kill boredom with productivity. Not only could you get lost in decluttering, you can also end up coming away with a space you’re more in love with than before.

  • Rearrange your furniture

Shake things up by rearranging some of what you had to create a new look.

  • Do a puzzle, play a board game

This is something you can do solo or invite friends over to join you. The more the merrier.

  • Search online for some new favorite or motivational quotes

Stay motivated to keep your mind on your A-game.

  • Reach out to a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to in a while

They’ll be so happy that you did (and you will too!)

  • Play an online game (with friends)

Find your friends online and slay a co-op game together while playing virtually.

  • Make an inspo-dream board on (or use magazines & make an actual one)

Add to your vision board or make a new one.


  • Start a blog

Got something worth sharing? Share with the world.

  • Take a blogging or online business course

It’s a gig economy. Learn how to make money online.

As much as we may hate to admit, we’re visual people that like to look to whatever’s visually attractive. Learn how to create attractive imagery on social media by taking a photography course.

  • Take a posing course

Learn how to pose so you can develop a certain aesthetic.

  • Research all of the free online business resources

You never know what you don’t know. Always focus on learning something new everyday.

  • Research dream careers

Have any idea what you dream of doing? Now is a great time to figure that out if you haven’t done that already.

  • Update your resume & LinkedIn

Need something to do? Don’t worry, this can easily occupy a few hours of your time.

  • Read some entrepreneurial books

It’s so good to be a student forever.

  • Email some entrepreneurs you admire to see if you can virtually intern for them

Shoot your shot if you think it’ll be a good fit.

  • Learn how to use Adobe software or Canva

Acquire a new skill. Never know when it might come in handy.

  • Become a virtual assistant – make some $ on the side

Get paid for your time.


  • Look at the food you have & make a plan of what you can make

Get in the kitchen and whip up something tasty for the next few days.

Have you been watching a few cooking shows or got some screenshots saved of food ideas you’d like to try? Now’s a great time to review what you have saved to create a new grocery list that incorporates ideas you already said you were interested in trying.

  • Prep your upcoming meals

This will definitely help you kill some time.

  • Make a list of personal & professional goals

Ask yourself what is it that you want, need, or desire?

  • Clean out your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Anything you have from years ago that no longer suits who you are today?

  • Clean up your emails

If you’re like me, you’ve got an email account with thousands of unread emails. Can you get it down to 0?

  • Do your laundry

If you’re like me, it’s probably the folding of the laundry that needs the most work. Got anything you need to put away?

  • Clean your phone & phone case

This could take a few seconds.

  • Clean your makeup brushes

Because when was the last time you did this?

  • Sort through your clothes – are there any to donate?

Better in the hands of a good home than collecting dust in yours.

Get Better In The Kitchen

  • Look up new recipes on Pinterest

I know there’s got to be at least something you’ve got your eyes on.

  • Get out those cookbooks you have but have never used & try a new recipe

Perfect time to put those cookbooks to good use. What’s something you can whip up using ingredients you already have in stock.

  • Learn how to use an Instant Pot or Air Fryer

Because when you do, things you’d be able to do in the kitchen are looking on the up and up.

  • Start a kitchen “garden”

We all eat herbs. Why not grow your own?


  • Put your fitbit on (or use your phone) & get 3000 steps around your apartment

Up for the challenge?

  • Clean or reorganize a room or section of a room

This always helps to get the jitters out.

  • Do a workout app or YouTube video

Hey, I’m sure your abs will thank you later.

  • Turn on your favorite music & dance

Let loose and have some fun!

  • Learn a TikTok dance

Now this should be good.

What To Do With Friends When Bored

  • Host a game night

Think board games, card games, video games, drinking games, or made up games you just thought of yourself. Game nights are the best when they’re done with your friends.

  • Binge watch a series

There’s nothing like spending a chill day with friends binge watching a series you all enjoy. 

  • Host a movie night

Get together in this classic way to spend a Friday night or weekend. Pop in an oldie but goodie or opt for something highly anticipated that none of your friends have ever seen before.

  • Host a charcuterie board party

Tell everyone to build their own themed charcuterie board to share.. For example, someone can do a dessert board, someone can do the meat and cheese board, someone can do a mocktail board, entree’, snack board, the list goes on. Let everyone make it their own.

  • Attend a bonfire

Nothing beats forming deeper bonds over an evening or nighttime bonfire with friends. 

  • Host a cookout

Host a backyard BBQ just because or grill for a holiday or a warm summer’s night. 

  • Meet up at a coffee shop

Coffee shops are a great neutral place to meet with friends, especially if you just want to chat or multitask by getting work done side by side.

  • Have brunch

Whether you’re an early riser or not, brunch is a great time of day to catch a mid-morning meal that many enjoy. If you’re into it, there are often women’s empowerment brunches being hosted, which is another great event to go to with pals who want to feel inspired.

  • Host a dinner party

Girls like events. You can keep it casual or create a theme where your guests can have another reason to dress up. Either way, invite over a few of your besties for dinner. This offers a great way to strike up special conversations, bond over food, and create memories with those you love most.

  • Host a watch party for a big game

Game day is a lot more fun when there’s company. If you’re into sports – doesn’t matter what – soccer, football, basketball, hockey, etc. Round up a few of your pals and host a watch party to root for your favorite team over wings and dip.

  • Meet up for drinks

Whether you want to try your hand at making a cocktail or mocktail at home or leaving it up to the pros at a bar, having drinks with your friends is a great way to keep yourselves entertained when boredom strikes.

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